curtain by ball point pen drawing
カッティングマシンしか現状使えないからカッティングマシンの使用を考えたが、カットを実際にすると複雑なものが物質か出来ない。なので例のごとくカッティングマシンのアタッチメントをボールペンに取り替えて取り替えて手描きでは描けないようなイラストのペインティングを行った。コードはサンプルコードをOpen Processingより引用してメッシュのカーテンをがなびいている状態をボールペンで描いてみた。一番上の画像が実際に紙に描写されたカーテンで、その次の画像がprocessing上での動作である。
下は間違えて3Dデータをpdf exportしようとして失敗したときの例。lineデータではないので失敗した。
import processing.pdf.*;
boolean EXPORT = false;
ArrayList particles;
// every particle within this many pixels will be influenced by the cursor
float mouseInfluenceSize = 30;
// minimum distance for tearing when user is right clicking
float mouseTearSize = 8;
// force of gravity is really 9.8, but because of scaling, we use 9.8 * 40 (392)
// (9.8 is too small for a 1 second timestep)
float gravity = 392;
// Dimensions for our curtain. These are number of particles for each direction, not actual widths and heights
// the true width and height can be calculated by multiplying restingDistances by the curtain dimensions
final int curtainHeight = 56;
final int curtainWidth = 80;
final int yStart = 25; // where will the curtain start on the y axis?
final float restingDistances = 5;
final float stiffnesses = 1;
final int curtainTearSensitivity = 50; // distance the particles have to go before ripping
// These variables are used to keep track of how much time is elapsed between each frame
// they're used in the physics to maintain a certain level of accuracy and consistency
// this program should run the at the same rate whether it's running at 30 FPS or 300,000 FPS
long previousTime;
long currentTime;
// Delta means change. It's actually a triangular symbol, to label variables in equations
// some programmers like to call it elapsedTime, or changeInTime. It's all a matter of preference
// To keep the simulation accurate, we use a fixed time step.
final int fixedDeltaTime = 15;
float fixedDeltaTimeSeconds = (float)fixedDeltaTime / 1000;
// the leftOverDeltaTime carries over change in time that isn't accounted for over to the next frame
int leftOverDeltaTime = 0;
// How many times are the constraints solved for per frame:
int constraintAccuracy = 3;
// instructional stuffs:
PFont font;
final int instructionLength = 3000;
final int instructionFade = 300;
void setup () {
// I find that P2D is the fastest renderer for 2D graphics
// OPENGL may be faster for some people
// The default renderer is JAVA2D
size(640,480, P2D);
// we square the mouseInfluenceSize and mouseTearSize so we don't have to use squareRoot when comparing distances with this.
mouseInfluenceSize *= mouseInfluenceSize;
mouseTearSize *= mouseTearSize;
// create the curtain
font = loadFont("LucidaBright-Demi-16.vlw");
void draw () {
if(EXPORT == true) {
beginRecord(PDF, "Line.pdf"); //この関数が呼ばれるとその時点での画像がPDF出力され //る。
/******** Physics ********/
// time related stuff
currentTime = millis();
// deltaTimeMS: change in time in milliseconds since last frame
long deltaTimeMS = currentTime - previousTime;
previousTime = currentTime; // reset previousTime
// timeStepAmt will be how many of our fixedDeltaTime's can fit in the physics for this frame.
int timeStepAmt = (int)((float)(deltaTimeMS + leftOverDeltaTime) / (float)fixedDeltaTime);
leftOverDeltaTime += (int)deltaTimeMS - (timeStepAmt * fixedDeltaTime); // reset leftOverDeltaTime.
// update physics
for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= timeStepAmt; iteration++) {
// solve the constraints multiple times
// the more it's solved, the more accurate.
for (int x = 0; x < constraintAccuracy; x++) {
for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
Particle particle = (Particle) particles.get(i);
// update each particle's position
for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
Particle particle = (Particle) particles.get(i);
// Draw the particle only on the very last iteration
if (iteration == timeStepAmt)
if (millis() < instructionLength)
if (frameCount % 60 == 0)
println("Frame rate is " + frameRate);
if(EXPORT == true) {
EXPORT = false;
void createCurtain () {
// We use an ArrayList instead of an array so we could add or remove particles at will.
// not that it isn't possible using an array, it's just more convenient this way
particles = new ArrayList();
// midWidth: amount to translate the curtain along x-axis for it to be centered
// (curtainWidth * restingDistances) = curtain's pixel width
int midWidth = (int) (width/2 - (curtainWidth * restingDistances)/2);
// Since this our fabric is basically a grid of points, we have two loops
for (int y = 0; y <= curtainHeight; y++) { // due to the way particles are attached, we need the y loop on the outside
for (int x = 0; x <= curtainWidth; x++) {
Particle particle = new Particle(new PVector(midWidth + x * restingDistances, y * restingDistances + yStart));
// attach to
// x - 1 and
// y - 1
// particle attachTo parameters: Particle particle, float restingDistance, float stiffness
// try disabling the next 2 lines (the if statement and attachTo part) to create a hairy effect
if (x != 0)
particle.attachTo((Particle)(particles.get(particles.size()-1)), restingDistances, stiffnesses);
// the index for the particles are one dimensions,
// so we convert x,y coordinates to 1 dimension using the formula y*width+x
if (y != 0)
particle.attachTo((Particle)(particles.get((y - 1) * (curtainWidth+1) + x)), restingDistances, stiffnesses);
// shearing, presumably. Attaching invisible links diagonally between points can give our cloth stiffness.
// the stiffer these are, the more our cloth acts like jello.
// these are unnecessary for me, so I keep them disabled.
if ((x != 0) && (y != 0))
particle.attachTo((Particle)(particles.get((y - 1) * (curtainWidth+1) + (x-1))), restingDistances * sqrt(2), 0.1, false);
if ((x != curtainWidth) && (y != 0))
particle.attachTo((Particle)(particles.get((y - 1) * (curtainWidth+1) + (x+1))), restingDistances * sqrt(2), 1, true);
// we pin the very top particles to where they are
if (y == 0)
// add to particle array
// Controls. The r key resets the curtain, g toggles gravity
void keyPressed() {
if ((key == 'r') || (key == 'R'))
if ((key == 'g') || (key == 'G'))
void toggleGravity () {
if (gravity != 0)
gravity = 0;
gravity = 392;
void drawInstructions () {
float fade = 255 - (((float)millis()-(instructionLength - instructionFade)) / instructionFade) * 255;
stroke(0, fade);
fill(255, fade);
rect(0,0, 200,45);
fill(0, fade);
text("'r' : reset", 10, 20);
text("'g' : toggle gravity", 10, 35);
// Credit to:
float distPointToSegmentSquared (float lineX1, float lineY1, float lineX2, float lineY2, float pointX, float pointY) {
float vx = lineX1 - pointX;
float vy = lineY1 - pointY;
float ux = lineX2 - lineX1;
float uy = lineY2 - lineY1;
float len = ux*ux + uy*uy;
float det = (-vx * ux) + (-vy * uy);
if ((det < 0) || (det > len)) {
ux = lineX2 - pointX;
uy = lineY2 - pointY;
return min(vx*vx+vy*vy, ux*ux+uy*uy);
det = ux*vy - uy*vx;
return (det*det) / len;
void mousePressed() {
if(mouseButton == RIGHT){
EXPORT = true;
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